Scene of the Crime: Watson’s Choice

The commonest refrain that I heard about Gladys Mitchell in the blogosphere was that "She was an acquired taste." Now, I don't know what "acquired taste" means but there is something off-putting about the phrase, so it was with trepidation that I picked up my first Mitchell: Watson's Choice.I needn't have worried though because the … Continue reading Scene of the Crime: Watson’s Choice

Sherlock Holmes Revisited: Anthony Horowitz’ The House of Silk

sourceWhat is about Sherlock Holmes that people can't bear to see him die? His own creator pushed him down the Reichenbach Falls but then brought him back to life as the public clamour grew too strong to resist. Other writers have followed suit and have not allowed Holmes the comfort of bee-keeping but have rather … Continue reading Sherlock Holmes Revisited: Anthony Horowitz’ The House of Silk

Sherlock Holmes Deconstructed: Partha Basu’s The Curious Case of 221B

In my early school-going days, Sherlock Holmes was THE DETECTIVE. My bhuaji's husband (whom as is wont in our family, we called Jijaji) told us enthusiastically about how as a young boy in Quetta, he and some of his schoolmates, who knew English, would narrate the adventures of Holmes to the village elders. So impressed … Continue reading Sherlock Holmes Deconstructed: Partha Basu’s The Curious Case of 221B