#1940 Club: Wilson and Some Others by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole

Wilson and Some Others is a short story collection by the husband-wife duo of G.D.H and Margaret Cole. The crime club title, erroneously referred to as a novel, consists of 13 stories, of which seven belong to the Coles' series character, Inspector Wilson. In Death in the Tankard, a man is poisoned in a crowded, … Continue reading #1940 Club: Wilson and Some Others by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole

Two Mysteries by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole

The Coles, Margaret and her husband Douglas, were activists and intellectuals who wrote on weighty subjects but also wrote some 30+ mysteries. Over the years since I first read them, I have read a few more of their books but have been amiss in reviewing them. This week, however, I finished two more of their … Continue reading Two Mysteries by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole