Friday’s Forgotten Book: Hunt the Slipper by Henry Cecil (1977)

Harriet and Graham have been happily married for twenty years when one fine day, Graham doesn't return from his office. A worried Harriet thinks of all kind of scenarios but when a month later, she receives a cheque of 100 pounds from a firm of solicitors with a letter explaining that she'd receive a similar … Continue reading Friday’s Forgotten Book: Hunt the Slipper by Henry Cecil (1977)

1977: Invisible Green by John Sladek

1977 is the year chosen for this month @ Past Offences' Crimes of the Century meme and that has given me the opportunity to read the book that had long been on my wishlist: John Sladek's Invisible Green.The novel opens on a day in 1939. The world is sitting on a pile of dynamite as the … Continue reading 1977: Invisible Green by John Sladek

Forgotten Book: V is for (The) Vision by Dean R. Koontz

He went out closing the door behind him, leaving her alone with Max.Mary Bergen is a psychic who helps the police track down and capture serial-killers, at times right at the moment they are about to murder somebody. However, lately there has been a change in Mary's life. For long, it was her brother Alan … Continue reading Forgotten Book: V is for (The) Vision by Dean R. Koontz